
It’s nice to meet you!

Hi! I’m an inquisitive, slightly geeky, family-loving, Seinfeld marathoning (my favorite while cooking!), introvert-turned-slightly-less-introverted guy who’s as passionate as they come. 

I believe the best things in life are worn, old, familiar things that carry meaning and memories… the collection of Earth/lunar/star globes on top of my bookshelf, the Lego sets that I grew up building and rebuilding, the satisfying zzirrpppp of my Minolta’s film advance lever, and the scratched, plastic piggy bank that my dad brought home for me when I was 6.

I have been photographing for over a decade now and my excitement for the craft is burning brighter than ever. I’m the happiest when I’m looking through a viewfinder, searching for that perfect combination of light, composition, and the beautiful chaos of life.

My approach to photography takes inspiration from photojournalism as a means of storytelling. Rather than run through pre-canned poses and staged shots, my goal is instead to deliver clients a deeper, more textured documentary of life that delivers them back to the very moment the image was captured.

I call New York City home, although I have my still-thawing roots in Canada, not that NY winters are anything to sneeze at.